Actionable Intelligence Alert Reading List
"Read 500 pages per day"- Charlie Munger to Stanford MBA graduating class
I am often asked to provide a list of books I recommend reading for those who want to learn more about investing. Below are some recommendations. I will likely add to the list over time.
Investment Books
Poor Charlies Almanack The Essential Wit and Wisdom of Charles T Munger Charles Munger, Peter Kaufman
The Most Important Thing Howard Marks
One Up On Wall Street Peter Lynch
The Outsiders William Thorndike
You Can Be A Stock Market Genius Joel Greenblatt
The Joys Of Compounding Gautam Baid
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator Edwin Lefèvre
100 Baggers Stocks that Return 100-to-1 and How to Find Them Chris Mayer
The Millionaire Next Door The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy Thomas J. Stanley Ph.D.
Martin Zweig’s Winning on Wall Street Martin Zweig
John Neff on Investing John Neff
Stock Market Scams Swindles and Successes Bryan Taylor
Manias Panics and Crashes A History of Financial Crises Eighth  Robert Z. Aliber
A Man for All Markets From Las Vegas to Wall Street How I Beat the Dealer and the Market Edward Thorpe
The Richest Man in Babylon The Original 1926 Edition George Clason
Energy Books
The Prize The Epic Quest for Oil Money and Power Daniel Yergin
Energy and the English Industrial Revolution E.A. Wrigley
Energy Return on Investment Charles Hall
The World for Sale Money Power and the Traders Who Barter the Earths Resources Javier Blas
Hetty Green The Genius and Madness of America’s First Female Tycoon Charles Slack
Makers of History Hernando Cortez John S. Abbott
When Money Grew on Trees AB Hammond and the Age of the Timber Baron Greg Gordon
The King Of California JG Boswell and the Making of A Secret American Empire Mark Arax, Rick Wartzman
The Richest Man Who Ever Lived The Life and Times of Jacob Fugger Greg Steinmetz
The Little Ice Age How Climate Made History 1300-1850 Brian Fagan
Always With Honor Pyotr Wrangel
Mine Were of Trouble A Nationalist Account of the Spanish Civil War Peter Kemp
The Art of Thinking Clearly Rolf Dobelli
The Art of Contrary Thinking Humphery Neill
Logically Fallacious The Ultimate Collection of Over 300 Logical Fallacies Bo Bennett
When Money Dies The Nightmare of Deficit Spending Devaluation and Hyperinflation in Weimar Germany Adam Fergusson
The Black Book of Communism Jean-Louise Panne, Andrzej PaczKowski,
Other Items I Find Useful
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Hi John, Is there a way I can DM you? thanks