Are The Uranium Stocks A Good Buy Now? | Justin Huhn | Uranium Insights
Interview with Justin Huhn from the Uranium Insider where we cover the #uranium sector important topics such as recent pullback in spot price and equities, Kazatomprom reduced uranium production, term market, stage of the uranium bull market, questions from his and main followers and much more.
Many people on Twitter criticize Justin, but I have found him to be more right than wrong. Of course, he will promote uranium stocks; he sells a uranium stock newsletter. Nevertheless, he is plugged into what is happening.
Ignore uranium spot prices; focus on long-term prices and contracts
Long-term uranium prices continue to trend higher, as the chart above indicates. Yet, most retail investors focus on the spot price. You do not typically have an oversupply situation when prices are going up.
Structural Inflationista (Guest: Louis-Vincent Gave)
This week Kevin & Patrick welcome back to the show, Louis Vincent Gave from Gavekal Research. They dive into the key differences between Chinese and Western capital markets, uncover why gold is surging in a structural bull market, and tackle the challenges of today's investment landscape.
I always like to hear Louis’s perspective. I think the circumstances that allowed for the last 40 years of financial outperformance in the West are coming to an end and reversing. I believe we are entering a period of higher structural inflation. I discuss this more in-depth in the September issue of the Actionabloe Intelligence Alert.
Warren Buffett's Dividends
As I age, I like cash flow (I need retirement income) as a primary metric for selecting stocks. I follow Walter Schloss's view that management can take three primary actions with free cash flow.
Pay down debt, which is accretive to equity holders
Buy back stock
Pay dividends
Speaking of Walter Schloss, here is an excellent video of him from 2008
Here is a link to the Walter Schloss archive of articles.
Investment Quote
“Having, and sticking to, a true long-term perspective is the closest you can come to possessing an investing superpower.”~Cliff Asness
That is it for this week. Thanks for subscribing.
John Polomny
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Not specifically. I like the monthly 7 year forward return estimates that GMO puts out. Meb Faber has some interesting white papers on his site regarding valuation and forward expected returns.
Thank you, John. I've been trying to warn people to expect under performance in the stock market after an unprecedented 40 year bull market.
I'm working on a Substack article about why we should expect lower returns over the next few decades. Do you have anything that you think I should mention or research? I will link back to you if I use it.