There's not much more to say, as this says it all. The world is short of uranium. The price will continue increasing until sufficient supply can be coaxed out of the ground to close the 40-50 million pound yearly deficit. That means higher prices. How high is anyone's guess, but I have said before we could see prices exceed the previous uranium bull market high.
I used to send the free email out weekly via an email provider. However, I find Substack a much better tool for what I am doing. If you are an old subscriber to the free email, you got imported to the email list on Substack, and nothing will change for you. The emails will still come to you via Substack.
Paid subscribers
Because I am not very literate with various technology platforms, I had a mish-mash of spreadsheets and payment options for paid subscribers.
You also know I have grandfathered in OG subscribers at $79 and the old regular-price subscribers at $150. You will continue to receive your newsletters at those prices and via email the way you have in the past.
New subscribers at the $179 rate will subscribe to Substack and receive access to the newsletters here on Substack.
I am looking into migrating the other paid categories of subscribers ($79 and $150) to Substack, but I need more time to see how to make it work.
Access to the AIA portfolio will be via a link in the monthly newsletter. I am still setting up the back issues, so be patient.
If I have fully confused you at this point, you can email me directly at john dot polomny at gmail dot com, and I will help figure your issue out or answer any questions you may have.
Good stuff
I mention Steve Blumenthal at CMG in many of my videos. He sends a weekly email, “On My Radar,” which is well worth reading and subscribing to. You can check it out here.
I am a big fan of Crecat Capital and Tavi Costa. They do an almost weekly video focusing on the markets, in particular the gold market. You can check out the YouTube channel here.
Crescat also puts out a monthly research report. This month’s issue is “DECONSTRUCTING THE POWELL PIVOT” and can be accessed here.
Last but not least is Dave Collum’s Year in Review. I have been reading it for years, and it is pretty good, especially if you like alternative views on significant issues of our time. Warning: Salty language
You can access it via the link on Zerohedge.
That’s it for this week. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
John Polomny
Merry Christmas, John! Is the 179 USD rate also grandfathered in for current subscribers? I only recently subscribed over your AIA website
Mr. Polomny, you were a great discovery for me in 2023. Best to you and yours at Christmas and in the New Year.